Wealthy Health White Slim Beauty is a 3 in 1 daily health and beauty natural product. It is natural blend of super fruits and vegetable powder that are rich in anti-oxidant with dietary fibre, iron and vitamins.
It is professionally formulated as a daily anti-oxidant nutrition intake for healthy skin and well-being.
Daily Morning Skinny Super Fruits Prebiotic Dietary Fiber Plus Chia Powder:
- natural blend of 17 super fruits and vegetable powders together with prebiotics and chia powder. It is professionally formulated with a combination of fruits and vegetable high in fibre and protein. Together with prebiotics that supports the proliferation of good bacteria in the gut promotes digestive health and may assist healthier weight management when combine with normal exercise.
Daily Afternoon Iron Super Fruits Prebiotic Dietary Fiber Plus Flaxseed:
- It is a natural blend of 17 super fruits and veges.
- contains fruits and veges that are naturally rich in iron.
Daily Evening Antioxidant Super Fruits Prebiotic Dietary Fiber Plus Rosehip Powder:
- natural blend of 17 super fruit and veges
- naturally rich in anti-oxidant and vitamin C
- Formulated as a daily anti-oxidant nutrition intake for healthy skin and well-being
Daily 3 in 1 Health and Beauty
Super Fruits & Prebiotic
Dietary Fibre Mix
Your secret to stay fit and healthy at home.